House History Research Resources
Historic Ithaca, Inc.
212 Center St., Ithaca
Promotes the value and enhancement of Ithaca's historic buildings and neighborhoods through education, advocacy, and action. Preservation services available, a research library; workshops and tours offered.
212 Center St., Ithaca
Promotes the value and enhancement of Ithaca's historic buildings and neighborhoods through education, advocacy, and action. Preservation services available, a research library; workshops and tours offered.
The History Center in Tompkins County
401 E. State. St., Ithaca
Preserves and provides access to its collections, designs educational programs and exhibitions, and provides services that create opportunities for people to learn about themselves and their place in the world. Tours, workshops, research library.
401 E. State. St., Ithaca
Preserves and provides access to its collections, designs educational programs and exhibitions, and provides services that create opportunities for people to learn about themselves and their place in the world. Tours, workshops, research library.
Tompkins County Historian
125 E. Court St., Ithaca
Links to information about all towns and villages in the county.
Click here for the Cayuga Heights link.
125 E. Court St., Ithaca
Links to information about all towns and villages in the county.
Click here for the Cayuga Heights link.
Tompkins County Public Library
101 E. Green St., Ithaca
A large number of local history resources, including The Ithaca Journal, on microfilm, genealogical resources, various newpapers and maps, and more.
101 E. Green St., Ithaca
A large number of local history resources, including The Ithaca Journal, on microfilm, genealogical resources, various newpapers and maps, and more.
Tompkins County Geographic Information Services (GIS)
128 El Buffalo St., Ithaca
Provides data and mapping resources for Tompkins County.
128 El Buffalo St., Ithaca
Provides data and mapping resources for Tompkins County.
Olin and Kroch Libraries
Cornell University
Cornell University Digital Archives
Olin has a number of Student and Faculty Directories, some on first floor shelves, others can be requested, as well as maps in the lower floor Map Room. The Kroch Library Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections has enormous holdings in local history. Old house deeds and other unique informational materials may be found here.
Cornell University
Cornell University Digital Archives
Olin has a number of Student and Faculty Directories, some on first floor shelves, others can be requested, as well as maps in the lower floor Map Room. The Kroch Library Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections has enormous holdings in local history. Old house deeds and other unique informational materials may be found here.
Manning's Ithaca Phone Directories, 1864-1986
Almost all Ithaca phone directories are accessible online. By researching your address via the "Street Index" at the end of each volume, you can track who lived in your house, sometimes even capturing the names of renters.
Almost all Ithaca phone directories are accessible online. By researching your address via the "Street Index" at the end of each volume, you can track who lived in your house, sometimes even capturing the names of renters.
Register for free and find U.S. Census records, immigration information, and more.
Register for free and find U.S. Census records, immigration information, and more.
The Cornell Daily Sun
A good place to search for information about faculty and students online.
A good place to search for information about faculty and students online.
Tompkins County Cemetery Records
Listing by cemetery in Tompkins County, including Pleasant Grove Road Cemetery in Cayuga Heights,
and adjacent Lakeview Cemetery on Wyckoff Road.
Listing by cemetery in Tompkins County, including Pleasant Grove Road Cemetery in Cayuga Heights,
and adjacent Lakeview Cemetery on Wyckoff Road.
eCommons at Cornell, Faculty Memorial Statements
Beautiful biographies of former faculty.
Beautiful biographies of former faculty.
You might be surprised at how many previous residents of your house are in Wikipedia. Good biographies.
You might be surprised at how many previous residents of your house are in Wikipedia. Good biographies.
Tompkins County Clerk's Office
320 N. Tioga St.
Old property maps and deeds may be stored here.
Bruce Brittain, Historian, Hamlet of Forest Home, "Reading and Understanding Deeds," updated February 24, 2016.
320 N. Tioga St.
Old property maps and deeds may be stored here.
Bruce Brittain, Historian, Hamlet of Forest Home, "Reading and Understanding Deeds," updated February 24, 2016.
Library of Congress
A great online research tool. Includes Sanborn Insurance maps, biographies, veteran information, newspapers and more.
A great online research tool. Includes Sanborn Insurance maps, biographies, veteran information, newspapers and more.
Village of Cayuga Heights
836 Hanshaw Road
Ithaca, New York
Administration and governmental offices. Village clerk, engineer, and police department. Village Hall.
836 Hanshaw Road
Ithaca, New York
Administration and governmental offices. Village clerk, engineer, and police department. Village Hall.
Antique Home Style
Terrific source for determining the style 20th Century homes.
The following list includes the published sources from which the information on this site has been culled. Most of the books are available at the Tompkins County Public Library, The History Center, and Historic Ithaca.
Andrea Fleck Clardy, A Sense of Place: Small Communities Near Ithaca, New York (Ithaca, NY: McBooks Press, 1982).
Richard Corth (Photographer), Lynn Cunningham Truame and Carol Kammen (Historians), and Fred Muratori (Poet), The Architectural Heritage of Tompkins County (Ithaca, NY: DeWitt Historical Society, 2002).
Jane Marsh Dieckmann, A Short History of Tompkins County (Ithaca, NY: DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County, 1986).
Jane Marsh Dieckmann, ed., The Towns of Tompkins County: From Podunk to the Magnetic Springs (Ithaca, NY: The DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County, 1998). Two comprehensive chapters on Cayuga Heights.
Donald Alexander Downs, Cornell '69: Liberalism and the Crisis of the American University (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2012).
Shirley Durfee, A History of Kendal at Ithaca, 2000-2010 (Ithaca, NY: WordPro Press, 2012).
Blake Gumprecht, The American College Town (Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2008).
Sara Johnson, "A Pioneering Woman: Helen Binkerd Young," Preservation News, Winter 2008, 13-14.
Carol U. Sisler, Enterprising Families, Ithaca, New York, Their Houses and Businesses (Ithaca, NY: Enterprise Publishing, 1986). Thorough and well-written survey of many of Cayuga Heights' founding families, their houses and their lives.
Carol Kammen, On Doing Local History (Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 2003).
Carol Kammen, The Peopling of Tompkins County (Interlaken, NY: Heart of the Lakes Publishing, 1985).
Elizabeth Mount, Twice "Removed" & Thrice Survived:
A Brief History of the Little House, Most recently seen at 303 East Upland Road, Ithaca, N.Y. (Ithaca, NY, 1993).
Elizabeth Trapnell Rawlings, A History of the Cornell University President's House (2006).
Deborah Schoch, A Literary Walking Tour of Ithaca (Santa Ana, CA: Seven Locks Press, 1986).
Julian C. Smith, Breaking Ninety; A History of the Country Club of Ithaca, 1900-1989 (Ithaca, NY: The Country Club of Ithaca, Inc., 1990).
Lara K. Stanton, History of Kendal at Ithaca, 1990 toward 2000 (Ithaca, NY, 2000).
Troop 4, Ithaca, New York, Boy Scouts of America, 1916-1926.
Village of Cayuga Heights Comprehensive Plan.