Brook Lane
Brook Lane is named for the intermittent stream that runs along the northern edge of this lane. In his “Cayuga Heights Notes” from the June 16, 1934 Ithaca Journal, developer Jared T. Newman listed the “brooks and ravines, which so abound” as some of the many attractive features of the neighborhood.
Map of Cornell Heights, May 1, 1903, Tompkins County Clerk's Office.
“Tompkins County Watershed and New York State Freshwater Wetlands” map, Tompkins County Planning Department, NY State Plane, Central, No. American Datum 1983.
Map of Cornell Heights, May 1, 1903, Tompkins County Clerk's Office.
“Tompkins County Watershed and New York State Freshwater Wetlands” map, Tompkins County Planning Department, NY State Plane, Central, No. American Datum 1983.